Friday, September 02, 2011

Three Things That Terrify Us.

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There are three things that terrify us. If one of them doesn't, it is highly likely that another one or both of the remaining two will. They are just things to keep in mind in the interest of either 1) defending yourself without inflicting any pain or exerting any physical force, or 2) not being as easily frightened by these things if you should be exposed to them. Incidentally, one of these three things is something that you may not have too much control over (personally) -- but just hearing about it will make you fear it just a bit less.

1) A person suddenly speaking loudly, erupting in an agitated tone at someone else (or even no one else) in a public place where the decorum generally calls for "quiet" (i.e., the teller line at a bank, in the library, in an art gallery, in a movie theater, in the waiting room a an oncologist's office, etc.);

2) A person who begins to to twitch violently and "shadow box" with a nonexistent other, all the time muttering angrily. This has saved my scrawny neck on a few late-night subway rides coming home from the city. The few people in my subway car, all started to shuffle away, or to avoid eye contact by carefully studying their shoes. The real victory came when two fellows were hustling through the car for "change." -- I knew I had mastered the "insanity defense" when one of them looked briefly at me, and then at this partner, and said (quietly), "Let's keep moving. This dude is crazy."

3) A person who has red hair, light eyes and light skin. People are frightened of redheads. I am not certain exactly why.

As for David Caruso, I have it on reasonable authority (which falls far short of "good" authority, or actually knowing personally), that he might well be an albino fellow who dyes his hair red, wears blue contact lenses and just happens to have a powerfully dramatic voice. You might want to go out and dye your hair red -- unless you are somewhat past middle age, in which case you might look more comical than menacing.

The world is your laboratory. Go out and experiment.

Douglas E Castle

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