Charisma is a curious thing -- we can't seem to define, but we invariably recognize it when we see it. A person with charisma radiates confidence in a vision and in himself or herself, and evangelizes in accord with his or her beliefs as if they were not opinions but certainties; and we follow these people because we are mostly uncertain, fearful and lost -- and we see the light of charisma and fly toward it like moths to a flame. Evil people can be every bit as charismatic as true humanitarians. Charisma is an attractor, with no built in moral compass of its own, and no ethical standards implied.
In your role as a leader, you will constantly be called upon to speak to others individually and in groups. In this latter case, before you ascend the podium and venture to open your mouth, you must determine what actionable item (your purpose) you wish to accomplish by the speech, and focus your speech and its tone in that specific direction. A commander cannot ever speak without an actionable agenda, lest he or she make a boring fool of himself or herself, and lose face with those who are counting upon their leader to shape them and direct their actions. And while you may alter your style, you must always maintain charisma. This requires a constant shifting of posture between being almost inter personally close, and then pulling back, filled with secrets, mystery and power (seemingly) barely held in check.
1) In a speech where you are educating or instructing your audience, you are being an expert, and your tone must be serious, direct and all business. When you teach, while you may use humorous metaphors as examples, make sure that you use strong, emphatic body gestures, that you walk around (so that your audience has to follow you with their eyes), and alternate dynamics -- speak softly, and then suddenly speak loudly -- approach your audience closely from time to time as if to touch them, only to retreat back to your position behind the lectern or podium. You must first capture you audience's attention before you can educate it; and, you must keep them on edge as long as you are delivering words of educational value.
Keep these speeches short, invite interaction in the way of either answers or affirmations from members of the audience, but limit these and don't let an intense educational session turn into a discussion group. Engage your audience, but be separate, in complete control, and never, ever say more than you must. End your speech with a call to action or a command, and then make a fast, purposeful exit, as if going to another meeting. Do not remain for casual conversation. Ever.
2) In a speech where your mission is to interpret the meaning or implications of another's policy pronouncement, orders, rules, objectives or ideas, your role is not so much as an educator, but as an interpreter. In this role, you slow the pace of your speech, restrain movement and any participation on the part of the audience. You loudly recite each point, where quoting another's words (either spoken or written), pause for a moment of absolute silence, and then give your interpretation by saying something definitive and declarative. Perhaps start with words such as: "What he is saying is that..." or "This means that..." Be certain. Act unwaveringly sure. Again, make it brief and don't remain for casual conversation, as in item numbered 1, above. Leave, but not before you've given out a study assignment.
3) In a speech where you want to provoke a definitive response from your audience, speak from the pulpit with the appearance of barely contained emotion (whether it is sorrow, outrage, pride, impatience... it doesn't matter -- let it show on your face in the flaring of your nostrils, the gritting of your teeth, the pounding of your fist with each syllable of a battle cry, but be impassioned). Use the term "We" at the beginning of most declarative sentences as if you had no doubts at all that there was an assumed agreement between yourself and your audience, as well as imparting a feeling of the classic "unified team" amongst the audience. Do not permit interruptions. Do not pause for questions. The only pauses should be for emphasis of the spoken point immediately preceding them.
In terms of body language, use your hands vigorously for finger raising, finger pointing (at no one in particular except perhaps an unseen enemy or an unperformed job waiting to be completed). During a pause you may alternate between A) looking down (as if collecting your thoughts), or B) scanning across the entire audience with your eyes, and moving your head from one side to the other as if making certain that there is no one who dares to defy you or object to you, or C) make locked-in, intense eye contact with one individual (chosen at random) until that individual looks down, at which time you commence. When you have finished, secure the wisdom of your call to action by saying something akin to "So it is obvious that we must..." Those members of the audience who have doubts about what you are saying or about your right to command will be kept in line -- they will not wish to appear stupid by questioning or even doubting something that you have said is obvious. In fact, if you nod your head affirmatively several times, you will find most of the audience members echoing your nod.
An interesting article excerpt follows from a selection in SmartBrief which addresses these three leadership roles in speaking:
Are you an expert, an interpreter or a catalyst?
When speaking in public, it's important to understand what added value you bring to the table. For some people, Stephanie Scotti writes, it's subject-matter expertise; for others, it's the ability to interpret the expertise of others or to turn data into a message that acts as a catalyst for action. "[A]nyone who has the desire to be confident, heard and inspiring when they step up to speak has the potential to be a catalyst," Scotti writes. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (4/16)
If you are just taking command, act like you are already in command, and expect to be treated as a leader. Don't waver. A large portion of charismatic leadership, whether you are being an educator an interpreter or a catalyst, is being confident, in control of yourself, in control of he crowd, and having the answers. It is better to be wrong than to appear indecisive or lost.
Your radiation of charisma will draw people to you like a magnet, but between the hint of shared intimacies and camaraderie, pull back and maintain your mysteries and your rank.
No do what must be done, commanders.
Douglas E. Castle for The Taking Command Blog
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