Monday, August 02, 2010

George Carlin's 3- Minute Rant -- Douglas Castle

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Dear Friends:

I recently noticed this video on Facebook. It is, admittedly, vulgar, angry, insubordinate, irreverent, tasteless, unsuitable for children as well as elderly folks with cardiac problems --- but it is shockingly and disturbingly true, and is honest in the extreme. Even if you hate the messenger, don't ignore the message.

I cannot disagree with the late George Carlin, except on one point -- while I believe that the current "System" is completely corrupt and beyond any repair within its own parameters, I believe that it can be replaced with something far better.

I invest my hours, my money and my emotion in my work as CEO of TNNWC Group, LLC, because I believe that entrepreneurs, working in cooperation, collaboration and united in focus, can create an alternative socio-economic structure. Join us. .


Douglas Castle

p.s. If the link below (George Carlin's Final Words To The World) fails to work, try clicking on either  or

"George Carlin on "The American Dream". The greatest 3 minutes of his career, and I think the final 3 minutes of his career. The PTB are aggressively trying to keep this video off YouTube and Google, so I thought I'd upload it so it can't get deleted as easily. Everyone needs to watch this!"
Length: 3:12

Douglas Castle
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