Thursday, July 21, 2011

Phones Are Power Tools And Positioning Props - Use Them Intelligently

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How you use the phone (to communicate with the person on the other side of the conversation --- and to make an impression to those people standing about you, photographing you, or waiting for an audience with you.

Some basic guidelines to power phone use follow:

1. Always stand when speaking on the phone. It makes your voice clearer, more energetic, deeper, richer (your lungs are like bellows my Take Command Fellows!) and more resonant.

You will feel brighter, and more decisive. Open up those lungs, re-energize those chakras, and stand, or pace. Toss your head back just a bit. too.

2. As you stand , let the people around you feel your aura of energy, your importance, your power (pacing like a lion), your magnetism, your larger-than-life presence. Occasionally make cold, direct eye contact for a moment with these people while you converse.

That's all there is to it, Commanders.


Douglas E Castle

NOTICE: This article is Copyright © 2011 by author Douglas E Castle with all rights reserved. It may be republished without permission provided that it is published in full, with all hyperlinks and exhibits left intact, and with full attribution given the author. This article does not contain or constitute medical, health, psychological, legal, regulatory, investment, securities, financial, tax, or any other form of professional advice -- the reader acknowledges and accepts this disclaimer. Further, the reader indemnifies and holds harmless both the author and all publications in which this article appears of any damages, claims, loss, responsibility or liability emerging from the reader’s utilization of any information contained herein.

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Tags, Labels, Keywords, Search Terms, Categories For This Incredibly Short Article: the telephone as a power tool and a prop, posture, positioning,  looking important, speaking and looking at your best, Sending Signals, the look of leadership, appearances, TNNWC, Douglas E Castle, lungs, chakras, posing, voice resonance, News Releases, Newsroom, NewsWires 

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