You must either take command or be trampled. Difficult times are here, and tougher times are ahead. People will be running scared -- either after other people (who don't know where they're actually going) or toward a capable protector -- a corporate conglomerate, a military-industrial complex, a charismatic hacktivist... any port in the proverbial storm. And the clouds are gathering. There is a growing leadership crisis and a funnel cloud of a power vacuum in its wake.
It's time for a review of what this blog is about:
...self-mastery, goal-setting, strategic decision making, leadership, contingency planning, implementation, acquiring and retaining human resources, leveraging assets, rule and domination, gaining and holding territory, empire-building, choosing allies, dealing with enemies, assessing risk, time management, team-building, negotiation... achieving authority, influence, wealth and success through total TRANSFORMATION.
Douglas E. Castle
Remember: "People who constantly call "realists" "pessimists" are not optimists -- they are merely fools, and the people to avoid following.
Sponsored By:
CFI - CrowdFunding Incubator LLC
ICS - International Connection Services
Global Edge Technologies Group LLC
CFI Business Growth
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CFI - CrowdFunding Incubator LLC
ICS - International Connection Services
Global Edge Technologies Group LLC
CFI Business Growth
Douglas E. Castle On LinkedIn - Join Me!


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